Boiler Repairs
Our Services
- Boilers +
- Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) Solutions
- Heat Exchangers and Condensers
- Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)
- Module Engineering and Construction
- Process Heaters
- Pipework and Pipe Stress Analysis
- Pressure Vessels and Steel Fabrication
- Skid Manufacture
- Instrumentation Services
- Electrical Switchgear
- Repair and Conversion
- LNG and FLNG Projects
- Project Management
Harris Pye provides turnkey repair, maintenance, upgrade and conversion of all main and auxiliary boilers on marine, offshore and land-based assets. Our experienced boiler repair project organization work closely with our customers throughout the planning, preparation and execution of each job.Our work is executed in situ or in one of our many workshops strategically located around the world.
- Main & Auxiliary Boilertubes, headers and plate replacement repairs
- Economizers, SuperHeaters, Gas Boiler tubes, headers, plates replacement repairs
- Pre-fabrication, shaping, paneling and fining of boilers and gas boilers tubes in our workshop making them ready for easy in situ installation
- Boiler insulation and refractory renewal